Ideas, strategies, and resources to focus on work that matters.


Beyond Binary Thinking

There are languages that have only a few words for colors. The Pirahã language appears to have no words for color beyond describing lightness and darkness. But when you are...

Beyond Binary Thinking

There are languages that have only a few words for colors. The Pirahã language appears to have no words for color beyond describing lightness and darkness. But when you are...

The Half-Done Strategy

Your mind is built to solve problems, but like any muscle it gets tired. When you find yourself struggling to get the quality or amount of work done that you...

The Half-Done Strategy

Your mind is built to solve problems, but like any muscle it gets tired. When you find yourself struggling to get the quality or amount of work done that you...

The Creative Sort

Most likely you have a way you like to capture your creative ideas. It might be a notebook or a journal. A detailed Notion workspace. It could be the notes...

The Creative Sort

Most likely you have a way you like to capture your creative ideas. It might be a notebook or a journal. A detailed Notion workspace. It could be the notes...

Everyday Magic

Read time: 5 minutes   Creative Inspiration from Overlooked Places: Finding Beauty in the Mundane "Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." ― Edgar Degas...

Everyday Magic

Read time: 5 minutes   Creative Inspiration from Overlooked Places: Finding Beauty in the Mundane "Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." ― Edgar Degas...

Bright Ideas from Dark Places

You have a dark side. And most likely you tend to ignore it. But like your breath, it's there when you are ready to pay attention. The more you are...

Bright Ideas from Dark Places

You have a dark side. And most likely you tend to ignore it. But like your breath, it's there when you are ready to pay attention. The more you are...

The Art of Not Knowing

It feels good to be right. It feels good to have the right answer. School taught you that having the right answer was all that mattered. Most people stop the...

The Art of Not Knowing

It feels good to be right. It feels good to have the right answer. School taught you that having the right answer was all that mattered. Most people stop the...